Years after the events of Donkey Kong, Mario and his brother Luigi run a plumbing business. However, through some wacky (and possibly drug-induced) events, they find this pipe and go through it to the Mushroom Kingdom. Instead of exploring the kingdom and living like kings, they find out that the fair maiden Princess Peach has been kidnaped by the evil King Koopa; Bowser! So now Mario and Luigi have to go through a lot of worlds to find the castle and kick Bowsers ass multiple times since all you seem to rescue are the Toad Retainers who then tell you that the Princess is in another castle.
This game still holds up, even today. The game is pretty difficult, but it is still a boat load of fun as you navigate through the levels and dodge every thing that Bowser throws at you. Everything about this game is iconic, including the music and controls. This started off a revolution of fun, fast-paced gameplay that hasn't stopped since it started and will never stop. So thank Super Mario Brothers for being awesome. Without it, you probably be off reading a book or something like that.
Finding the first warp zone.
Read the whole review here.
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