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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Midnight Write - Issue #2

Maternity clothes. At one time it seemed like a simple thing. And by simple I mean there used to be a status quo for what was appropriate and what was not. It represented a stage in a persons life where a phenomenal occurrence is taking place.

This past weekend I was hanging out with my sister who's at least two months along. We went to the a strip mall by where I live because she wanted to shop around for maturity clothes for work. We get to this store, a up scale trendy clothing store, and this 50-something starts chatting us up. So sis tells her about what she's looking for, and then the conversation segways to her own 20 year old son with his 19 year old pregnant girlfriend and then tell us about all the trendy stuff out there this girl would wear. Things like bikinis... while in full term - all with a smile and an upbeat attitude.

I had a hard time dealing with the fact she was practically condoning not only this fledgling pregnancy, but supporting swimwear that, in my opinion, glorifies pregnancy in the wrong light. Now, I don't know these people, and maybe the salesperson was just trying to put a good spin on a bad situation. But kids getting pregnant at such an early age has been disastrous for almost everyone I've known personally. I know there are the exceptions out there, but there are reasons for why they are the exception.

I suppose some of this comes out of the concern that I soon be an uncle, and I will be partly responsible to what they're exposed to as they grow up. Even being an opened minded person, you have to take a stand for what you feel is right. And thinking about seeing a 19 year old like this....

Is wrong.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, tell me you wouldn't screw that chick. I know I would.
