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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Top 50 Games Introduction

Hey guys, I may be doing this a bit early but hopefully, this will kick the list will kick off this weekend.  So what's going to happen?  Well basically I'll put up the game's plot and why it is on my list and then I'll link the review itself to for that list was for their benefit and not mine.  But it is my blog and I do want to promote my friend's site.

So what goes in this list.  Quite simply it's the fun factor of a game.  If a game's no fun than why play it even if it looks and plays extremely well.  Now there's other factors that makes up the criteria that I love games even though it's not as big of a part than fun.  Of course graphics make up a decent part in a game and so does the music.  A rocking soundtrack can make up for some flaws but not all of them.  Anyways, that's enough ramblings so let's start.....eventually!

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