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Friday, March 26, 2010

The Midnight Write - Issue # 6 - Hypersensitivity

The other day (this being a couple weeks ago) I had learned that the company I had worked for got sued by a parent who were offended by the Disney content we were playing in our children section.

Offended... by Disney Animation... As In A bugs Life, Up, and Monsters Inc.

Now it wasn't the particular store I'm working, I think it's on of the ones in Chicago (where the company is based) but regardless if you are so worried that Disney movies will be a negative influence then you might has well wrap your kid in a bubble and spend the rest of your life watching them, 24 hr, nonstop.

Yes someone could have been playing something they shouldn't but I would be hard pressed to find that it was truly that offensive it warranted a lawsuit.

The sad thing is I think adults now would be offended by cartoons such as Tom and Jerry, which I still watch to this day and I feel no more compelled to really go out and hit someone in the head with a mallet than I would watching Wily Coyote strapping himself to a rocket to chase the Road Runner. It's crap like this that makes me want to leave this country, because seriously? I could find more things just browsing through TV in ten minutes. Ben Ten has a lot of violence, be it is against aliens or not. Hey, if they're alien, it's okay, right?

Really I think it was a ploy to get money in a hard economic time. Unfortunately this has resulted in us never playing these moves again, and either leaving them off (which is a sad waste of resources) or playing old/craptastic music videos. Next time they complain there's nothing for the kids ot entertain themselves in one of our stores while they try to shop, blame it on that one who spoiled it. It only takes one to ruin it for everyone.


  1. I'm not calling for censorship of Disney shows on publicly viewable TV's but I think that it's not a clear cut as "parents who don't like Disney are overprotective crazies."

    The main objection I would have with my (hypothetical future) kids watching Disney stuff is the portrayal of gender roles and sometimes racism. I'm not going to keep my (hypothetical future) kids from watching them, mostly because I come from the perspective that it's important to allow your children to gain life experiences and an opportunity to discuss things you disagree w/ rather than to shelter them.

    But to sue over Disney? Ridiculous indeed!

  2. Agreed Ami. It's not so clear cut of an issue as parents who don't like Disney are crazies. Some folks Unfortunately grew up with no cartoons and seem them as inappropriate period. It just depends.

    I think my biggest problem is how the company chose to react. Clearly (to me anyway, no legal expertise here)there was no legal standing on the customers side of this as it was a public place and they could chose to leave. So for the company to just wipe out all viewing of the childrens' movies is a bit absurd to me.

    I think Disney movies as a whole does a good portrayal for childrens' sake of of the portrayal of gender roles and racism and give a good basis for where young children should start in their 'education' of everyday life. The Incredibles comes to mind as I write this, and for someone 1 - 7 (estimated age) introducing them to the basic family structure is well enough. I'm not necessarily anti-challenge of the norm, but there's got to be a foundation of ideas before branching off to new ideas, and it depends on the maturity of the children themselves. Although Sam's character type of arguing with his wife could be debatable as stereotyping. But that's for another post I suppose.

    Thanks for your comment Ami!
