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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I want you to write with me...yes you!

Alright, I think I have a good set schedule for this blog. Sundays are for the reviews and Wednesday's are for ramblings. I also guarantee that at least one of those will come every week, maybe both if I feel up to it. So that's the state of the union of this blog.

Anyways, the real meat is that I want somebody else to write alongside reviewing and rambling at least once a week, but not on Sundays or Wednesdays, those are my days. The bulk of what I want you to do is music and movies for reviews. As for ramblings, most things are game but I do want to keep this blog light-ish so I don't really want politics or religions or anything that might overtly cause flame wars. Lastly, unless you're quoting stuff don't swear. If you must, keep it PG. If you feel like these terms are acceptable, then e-mail me at or use the comments or whatever and we can take it from there.

On more thing, don't expect money out of this, I still haven't broken 50 cents yet.


  1. I see no one has posted a comment yet... (unless they've volunteered through an e-mail) but I could do the job if you want me to lol. I think you've seen my website already, so I guess you know more or less my writing style.

    What do you say? =)

  2. Hmm I might be able to, but my blog's rating is R, so I might try to tone it down. I have always wanted to contribute to another's blog....
