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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando Review

In 2002, the first Ratchet and Clank game came out and a series was born. Granted it's a miracle cause the first game, while fun, was massively flawed. All the levels looked the same, they were too busy being filled with flying cars to actually have really fun levels and the story was weak and cliched. But there was a seed of potential in there and with some polishing it there could be something great. Going Commando isn't great but it is good and it is an improvement over the first but it still wouldn't be find it's own voice until Up Your Arsenal but Going Commando at least formulates sounds into word-type things.

Story - Like the first one, the story is just as cliched. Unlike the first, however, is that the story is actually not a chore to go through and at times, funny. The game moves at a good pace and there is some decent "show within the game" and "commericials with the game" that provides some decent chuckles. However, this has the most anti-climatic final boss and ending of the series. It just flat-out ends with an ending that raises further question upon thinking about it. But it is still better than the first game.

Graphics - Hey, you know what other aspect is more realized here than the first The levels in aren't so busy with flying cars and buildings, granted they are there in half of the levels but they don't overwhelm the levels this time. There's even some moments of awe-inspirational scenes in the beginning of a few levels. So all-in-all, the graphics do work and there's nothing jarring or distracting in any levels or in any cinematics.

Overall - Like I said, it's a good game but the series still wouldn't be great until Up Your Arsenal came out. This is good enough to get the job done and be entertained. There's even some varied gameplay with flying missions and races even though the flying missions are unbelievably cheap & the races aren't all that great. But still, it's a good game.


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